Congratulations to Harini Kapali (University of Victoria), Francisca Olajide (University of Ottawa), Aiyush Bansal (University of Toronto), Jeta Molla, Pei Yuan, and Zahra Khanzad (York University) of Group 1 who were chosen as the winners of the $2000 publication fee grant for their research on COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths averted by masks mandate and vaccination program in Ontario.

Watch the full Health-a-thon Final Presentation event here!

For more background on the Summer Health-a-Thon:

The Summer Health-a-Thon is organized by the OMNI-RÉUNIS HQP Training Team – Dr. Jane Heffernan, Dr. Michael Kallos and Dr. Mark Lewis.

Zoom Link:

Check out our Super Spreader Seminar Series page for details!

Thank you for joining us!

Organized by the OMNI-RÉUNIS HQP Organizing Committee – Dr. Joseph Baafi (Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador), Dr. Suzan Farhang Sardroodi (University of Manitoba), Dr. Shivdeep Singh Hayer (University of Guelph), Dr. Jeta Molla (York University), Dr. Pei Yuan (York University), and IT support by Steven Chen (York University)

Zoom Link:

OMNI-RÉUNIS Health-a-thon_Final Presentations_SEPT.15_2022

The OMNI-RÉUNIS HQP Training team (Jane Heffernan, Mike Kallos, and Mark Lewis) is pleased to invite you to attend the “Summer Heath-a-thon Final Presentation Event” on September 15th from 13:00-15:00 EDT.

The ten-week Summer Health-a-thon program provided 29 trainees the opportunity to work collaboratively in groups with other EIDM trainees and researchers across Canada to work on real-world EIDM questions (with a One Health focus) provided by government and industry. The groups tackled the following:

  • Group 1: A counterfactual assessment: quantifying the number of cases and death averted given the public health mitigation programs over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Group 2: A Review of Monkeypox
  • Group 3: Modelling Monkeypox
  • Group 4: Forecasting influenza and COVID-19 infections for Fall 2022
  • Group 5: Estimating the true number of COVID-19 infections

->The presentations will be judged by a panel of judges including a representative from the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC).

->The winning Health-a-thon project will be announced after the event! The winning team will receive a cash prize incentive of $2000 (CAD) to contribute to the publication of a paper. Not to miss!

Click the Zoom link to join on September 15 (no registration required):

If you have any questions, please contact Natasha Ketter, Program Manager of OMNI-RÉUNIS at [email protected]

Thank you for joining us!

Organized by the OMNI-RÉUNIS HQP Training Team – Dr. Jane Heffernan, Dr. Michael Kallos and Dr. Mark Lewis

Registration deadline: June 5, 2022

Health-A-Thon dates: June 13- August 26, 2022

Registration: 2022 Summer Health-A-Thon:

Trainees of the NSERC-PHAC EIDM Initiative are invited to take part in the 2022 OMNI-RÉUNIS Health-A-thon this summer. The Health-a-thon provides an opportunity for Emerging Infectious Disease Modelling (EIDM) trainees to work collaboratively in a national setting, with other EIDM trainees and researchers across Canada, on research problems that will advance federal, provincial and regional public health interests in government and industry.

The Health-a-thon is a ten-week program that runs from June to August, and provides research opportunities for EIDM trainees (postdoctoral fellows and graduate students) to work on real-world EIDM questions provided by government and industry. Trainees will work in small groups with EIDM researchers. A research question from One Health will be assigned to each group from government and industry collaborators.

First week – June 13-16, 2022-: The first Health-A-Thon meetings with trainees will take place during the CAIMS Annual Meeting (Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society). The meetings will be in a hybrid format with live streaming of talks, and both in-person and virtual poster sessions from June 13-16, 2022. Ahead of the CAIMS workshop, you will learn who will be in your group and you will be assigned a research question from One Health. As part of the first meeting, you will meet with the public health/industry representative/academic that posed the question.

June-August 2022: Each group will work collaboratively and meet regularly over the summer (via zoom and email) to provide research progress updates.

Final week – August 22-26, 2022: Final project presentations would be presented during the last week of the Health-a-Thon.

Winning Project

  • The final project presentation will be presented and voted on by a panel of judges
  • $2000 (CAD) will be contributed to the publication of the paper resulting from the winning health-a-thon project if it is accepted and published in a scholarly journal

If you have any questions, please contact Natasha Ketter, Program Manager of OMNI-RÉUNIS at [email protected]

Thank you for registering!

Organized by the OMNI-RÉUNIS HQP Training Team – Dr. Jane Heffernan, Dr. Michael Kallos and Dr. Mark Lewis

Join us on Wednesday, June 1@ 11:00 EDT for our second talk of the OMNI-RÉUNIS Distinguished Lecture Series, where Dr. Matt Keeling is invited to present on ‘COVID-19 in the UK: Data, Models, Projections and Policy‘. Please visit the Distinguished Lecture Series page for more details. We look forward to your attendance!

Distinguished Lecture 1: “Reflections on Modelling for Infectious Diseases in the Framework of a One Health Approach”

OMNI-RÉUNIS is launching its first lecture on March 15@11:45 EST as part of the network’s 2022 Distinguished Lecture Series. Dr. Karine Chalvet-Monfray is invited to present her Reflections on Modelling for Infectious Diseases in the Framework of a One Health Approach. Please visit the Distinguished Lecture Series page for more details.

We look forward to your attendance!


OMNI-RÉUNIS is seeking to fill several postdoctoral fellowship positions across Canada to build capacity in modelling of infectious diseases with a one-health lens. Successful candidates will work at the interface of mathematics/statistics, epidemiology, and public health to design and analyze mathematical/statistical models through an infection spectrum from early detection to mitigation. They will work with interdisciplinary committees of scientists and public health experts to produce simulation data and inform public health policy. Postdoctoral fellows will communicate their results through high-impact publications, conference presentations, and knowledge transfer events such as public seminars and other outreach activities.


  • PhD in applied mathematics, statistics, computer science, data science or a related field (essential)
  • Demonstrated mathematical modelling, statistics, or data analysis capacities using data-driven quantitative analyses, differential equations, stochastic modelling, and/or mixed-effects modelling (essential)
  • Experience in epidemiology or One Health (desired)
  • Good oral and written communication skills
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