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We are a research network of experts enhancing Canada’s early detection, warning & response to emerging infectious diseases using a One Health approach. Funded by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and Public Health Agency of Canada.

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Happy Holidays from / Joyeuses Fêtes d' - OMNI-RÉUNIS

We want to extend sincere thanks and appreciation to our OMNI-RÉUNIS members for your vital contribution to the network in 2024! Your continued support, contributions, and partnership are greatly valued and we look forward to working together in 2025.
Wishing you enjoyable holidays and a prosperous New Year filled with Peace, Prosperity, and Happiness!

Best wishes,

OMNI-RÉUNIS Leadership Team

Nous tenons à remercier sincèrement les membres d'OMNI-RÉUNIS pour leur contribution essentielle au réseau en 2024 ! Votre soutien continu, vos contributions et votre partenariat sont très appréciés et nous nous réjouissons de travailler ensemble en 2025.
Nous vous souhaitons d'agréables vacances et une nouvelle année prospère, remplie de paix, de prospérité et de bonheur !

Tous nos vœux,

L'équipe de direction de l'OMNI-RÉUNIS

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Seminar 27

Bayesian Spatial Analysis Of Socioeconomic Influences On Mpox In The African Region: Implication For A One Health Approach

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The One Health Modelling Network for Emerging Infections (OMNI) is a newly established network born out of the COVID-19 pandemic.

One Health Approach

One Health is an approach that recognizes the interconnections between people, animals, plants and their shared environment to address emergent…

Core Objectives

OMNI’s core objective is to develop models that would lead to the identification of critical data gaps from a One Health perspective. Identification of these gaps would be used to…

Latest News

Super Spreader Seminar Series

Distinguished Lecture Series