Supporting OMNI-RÉUNIS research projects, our Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP) are the driving force behind our groundbreaking work. They also feature in our Super Spreader Seminar Series, sharing their latest research with the world. Discover our talented HQP and stay updated on their cutting-edge contributions.
Meet our team of HQPs Empowering the Next Generation: Meet our team of Highly Qualified Personnel (HQPs)
Alison Paredes Queen’s University
Amit Chakraborty University of Alberta
Avneet Kaur University of British Columbia Okanagan
Bentley Huffington Mount Allison University
Chapin Korosec York University
David Dick York University
Emily Acheson Université de Montréal
Ethan Callanan Queen’s University
Fiona LeClair-Robertson Queen’s University
Francisca Olajide University of Ottawa
François Viard Université de Montréal
George Adu-Boahen Memorial University
Ghazaleh Babanejad York University
Gian Alix York University
Grace Nichol University of Guelph
Haysn Hornbeck University of Calgary
Helen Wilson University of Warwick
Isha Berry University of Toronto
Jeta Molla York University
Jhoana Romero University of Manitoba
Jing Li York University
Joseph Baafi Memorial University of Newfoundland
Joshua Renault Memorial University
Juping Ji University of Alberta
Kamal Acharya University of Guelph
Maria Martignoni Memorial University
Marine Hubert Université de Montréal
Melanie Cousins University of Waterloo
Mohamed Ibrahim University of Bonn
Nina Yanin York University
Norma Forero Université de Montréal
Olivia Tardy Université de Montréal
Pei Yuan York University
Philip Ciunkiewicz University of Calgary
Rena Yang University of Waterloo
Riley Oremush University of Guelph
Samaneh Gholami York University
Shan Gao University of Alberta
Shivdeep Singh Hayer University of Guelph
Sonia Gazeau University of Montreal
Suzan Farhang Sardroodi York University
Tilemachos Pechlivanoglou York University
Xiaoyan Deng University of Montreal
Zahra Mohammadi University of Guelph